Winged Kuriboh LV6

SR Rarity
Winged Kuriboh LV6
Level 6
[ Fairy / Effect ] (This card is always treated as an "Elemental HERO" and "Favorite" card.) Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand or GY) by banishing 1 "Elemental HERO" Fusion Monster or 1 "Winged Kuriboh" from your hand, face-up field, or GY. You can only Special Summon "Winged Kuriboh LV6" once per turn this way. When an opponent's monster declares an attack, or when your opponent activates a monster effect on the field (Quick Effect): You can Tribute this card; destroy that monster, and if you do, inflict damage to your opponent equal to its original ATK. ATK/ 300 DEF/ 200
Red packs are expired *
Released on July 29th, 2024

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