Notes & Combos
Marriage is like a deck of cards. All you need is two hearts and a diamond. By the end youll wish you had a club and a spade.
I know what your gonna say another melodious deck this idea came from also someone at locals but i thnk the origanal idea was Written by Hanko Chow from what ive heard.
Why This Deck
Ive been a fan of melodious before the support so now that there finally somewhat playable why not
End Board:
Depends on the hand. If Ostonato and a way to get to ankh is in hand it Shuberta, Etoile, Aria, Exodia plus the trap.
If just Millineum Engine then just Exodia plus the trap
If Refrain plus an way to get to ankh Then Etoile plus Soprano or Shopina and Exodia plus the trap
If Refrain then just Melodious Combo and hope that enough
My non event deck is 53 cards so you can add TTT and/or Thrust to get to Ostonato or Ankh depending on the situation