
Fusion x Synchro Festival from on February 18th, 2025
cp-ur 1020 + cp-sr 1020
60 cards

Notes & Combos

The main hit is actually just Crimson Dragon which means our 1cc no longer gets supernova/blazar acess it will still end on auxila + abyss with the centurions in backrow for legatia/chaos angel.

We're having a really good time going first this event, we generally do not wanna go second but if we lose the coin flip, we can still win fairly reasonably unless there is too many disruption, I've seen white forest set up 5-7 of them depending on their board then you lose unless you disrupted them with hand traps/bystials properly, especially flipping stuff face down hurts us a lot.

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Deck is very similar to my normal Ranked Deck so If you wanna watch whatever replays I got in Game atm: 288-000-463 I only play Resonators

If you wanna watch more you can always try to look me up on youtube shouldn't be that hard to find.