Notes & Combos
I didn't feel like solving the problem of what non-engine to replace, since most of the good support for us is also banned. So, I just added the basics as far as a couple of breakers, imperm and effect veiler. Outside of that, It's just gas on a fire.
Ideally, you'd go first and play machine dupe combos for a Pair-A-Dice field lock backed up by Veiler and an Infinity if you can squeeze it out. Going second this deck can still throw up a ton of rank 5 plays and ultimately execute some kind of OTK since we don't have to worry about Ash.
I'm using Duality as a starter or extender turn 2 using an OG Cydra to create a Chimeratech Rampage Dragon and sending off Herz and Core to bounce Core back to the hand for it's normal summon.
For the Exodia Matchup, hold your Imperm until the beginning of your turn and drop it in main or standby to force the omninegate out. If they wall up with the Illusion monster, simply make Cyber End and pierce. Red Reboot is in to prevent the Exxod! trap from activating.
Finally the other 2 xyz are D/D/D Marksman King Tell, and D/D/D Deviser King Deus Machinex you don't have to play them, but I enjoy them for matches against combo decks, to prevent them from link/synchro climbing.
Have fun :)
My ID is: 966-708-740
Replays are on there just look for the ones with festival, some of the older ones may not reflect this one as it took a little trial and error to get it right.