Legend Anthology from on February 13th, 2025
cp-ur 210 + cp-sr 720
40 cards

Notes & Combos

No High Caesar? No problem! D/D/D is a deck that takes real life science, history and mythology and puts it into a corporate structure and in the Arc-V anime and manga is used by a character whose gravity-defying scarf and drip would give Seto Kaiba and Jack Atlas' coats a run for their gems. By balancing different summoning mechanics and reading the fine print of the contracts signed, one strikes deals with the devil establishing control of the board using cards such as High Temujin/Genghis and Siegfried for spells/traps, Headhunt and Machinex for monsters and Bright Armageddon for target effects, while offsetting the contracts' costs with Scarf-kun (Zero King Rage, negates the first burn instance per turn), Leonidas (heals the damage that triggers his summon and blocks subsequent burns) and d'Arc (reverses the burns into healing).

PS: Dear Konami, please give D/D summon animations, the deck sorely deserves one that isn't Baronne, Zeus or the newly added Fiendsmith Engraver (cards that can't be used in Legend Anthology, by the way), I can settle for Gilgamesh and Machinex nicely.

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