Notes & Combos
Ever since the first anthology d/d/d had been always the deck to use for me. Won't lie this year's run is by far the worst. Had to add whatever was left unbanned and could counter exobots. Barely got a 6 winstreak where my opponent's iq was the main vactory factor, so I wouldn't advice spending a lot for the deck. Without further ado here are my remarks so far:
- If you face burn decks just summon d'arc
- The ragnarock fusion would be cool to add but only if u already have it.
- The only ways you can remove exodia by d/d/d means is either by ragnarok or machinex (summon machinex, activate a contract, counter the negate), hence alpha and santa.
- red reboot is good, add a second copy if u can.
- veiler > imperm for this event.
- raigeki and dark hole were nearly useless. If u have any inquiries just post them below.
- 256-199-892
- Got one old d/d/d replay showing basic comboes. No new ones this event yet as the duel were highly uneventful. Will post a 10000 dragon win if I pull it through though!