Legend Anthology from on February 11th, 2025
cp-ur 330 + cp-sr 780
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Behold my D/D/D deck list. This deck is quite powerful in this event

This deck can beat exodia going second. You just need to bait the exodia effect that negates spells and traps. Then you find a way to destroy the trap that destroys all cards on your field. so far theres two ways

1.) D/D orthros: his pendulum effect can destroy the trap which will force him to activate it

1.) D/D/D vice king Requiem: you'll usually search him with dark contract eith the gate and then put him in the scale and activate his effectm Then summon DDD machinex and he'll gain an extra effect from vice king Requiem which can destroy a card on the field by shuffling a dark contract card from Field or grav, you can shuffle the gate card that is in grav which you destroyed to activate the pend effect of requiem.

The rank 6 D/D/D is banned in this event which isn't terrible but we can still put out a couple of interruptions without it Also that DD field spell is banned which we would normally use ti send it to grav with the rank 5 DDD to add a pend from ED to hand, this card being banned doesn't hurt that much. Just can't do some combo lines which you would normally do with the field spell.

oh yeah you can cut out the D/D/D/D super dimensional monster it's not really needed and it never came up for me but i thought it woudl be fun to play. So yeah it's not necessary

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MD ID:670-648-717 for replays, I'll also show you a 2 card combo that sets up machinex with 4 sucks,the head hunt trap and the synchro lv8 that negates a spell/trap every turn which is 6 disruptions with only Kepler and with either D/D orthros or D/D gryphon in hand.

For one card combo with kepler it will basically be like the 2 card combo that I mentioned but without D/D orthros on board.