
Legend Anthology from on February 11th, 2025
cp-ur 420 + cp-sr 720
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Legend Anthology Goodstuff Earthbound

For those that aren't aware of how Earthbound works, you want to play as many DARK extenders as possible to allow you to guarantee the summon of Gremlina (your main combo bridge) via HSF

Allure is fun but you can def cut it if you wanna, crow and imperm for more boardbreakers like ultimate slayer, metaltronus, book of moon, swords of concealing light, raigeki/dark hole, etc (although imperm's still great to break boards)

Souls isn't as strong as it'd be with a good lvl4 synchro, but it's nice as a deepdraw card

Not often do you get to play Gremlin and Kraken because they're very awkward going 2nd and are far less flexible than other extra deck options, but in this event they were great mainly due to the way lower power format, at most the opponent's gonna end on 2 disrupts, letting you use Gremlin profitably

Black Garden's there as a Kraken target, you can use it turn 1 to just set it over Chicken game to not let your opponent get any draws, use it turn 3 as a way to revive Walker or Sweeper or as a way to fill up the opp's board with useless monsters whilst you build up an OTK

For once in its life Grasha's actually decent thanks to Power Tool Braver Dragon granting it targeting protection, which covers up one of its weaknesses, althugh being way too resource intensive to summon and its lack of flexibility still makes it debatable (not in my list but I have to mention this for the people who think it's cool)

Speaking of I wanted to play Power Tool Braver Dragon over Wolfrayet because it actually sticks on board to be of great value every turn with life extreme and the targeting protection given from the other two equips, paired up with keeper's destruction protection, you got yourself a very robust board. You can still def play Wolfrayet and cut the equip spell bricks for more non-engine but they're fine as fodder for costs and whatnot

Shooting Riser's core part of your endboard, letting you evel mod by sending a lvl3 and then you can on opp's turn revive Keeper summon Sweeper, and then make Braver Dragon off lvl4 Riser and Sweeper, it's got a bunch more applications but this is the main one

The Flex slots in the EXD are Coral Dragon and Stardust Spark

Feel free to ask questions in the comments or ping me in the MDM Discord's Earthbound channel for a quicker reply :)

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I'll be making a replay vid either later today or tomorrow, I'll post it in the comments once I up,oad it

In the meantime there are a few replays at 609-656-696, with some Azamina Earthbound replays for the current format