Notes & Combos
Some of my thoughts:
- Save called by the grave for Ash Blossum.
- If you can summon lovely before Big Welcome Labrynth for Ash Blossum.
- Lord of the Heavenly prison is a lot of fun. I like it because it protects all set cards. So you have protection from harpie's feather duster and heavy storm but it also kinda of protects your monsters after Daruma Cannon sets them. Also it is very funny if Yubel players try to pop their own set trap with sharvara and it doesn't work. Shoutout to Haus.
- Rivalry of Warlords: cringe floodgate but it just wins games. Not great against Yubel.
- Skill Drain: cringe floodgate but it just wins games.
- I don't run Ash Blossum myself because I want the room in my hand, I don't think its that impactful and I hate when my opponent steals it with Hiita and goes into promethian princess.
- I don't win often in a Lab mirror match. I get outpaced by the other lab player because they run the furnatures and I don't lol plus transaction rollback is important in the mirror match plus I don't have an ash blossum for them.
Extra Deck:
- I don't summon Psychic End Punisher and the D/D/D monster ever it's there as a niche option.
- If you can you should run 3 Chaos Angel
- If you can you should run 3 Ty - phon but UR 😔
- Remember that Welcome Labrynth has a fiend lock for 2 turns with Zeus.
Side Deck: Some considerations to have in your deck. If I dont mention the card I haven't used it personally.
- Dimensional barrier: Not that great.
- Compulsory Evacuation Device: Budget and pretty good.
- Different Dimension Ground: Depends on the meta but I feel like it doesn't do a lot
- Ichiroku's ledger book: Really fun to use
- Ariane is ok to use I use her on and off.
I should have saved some replays my bad. If I post next time I will include it.