Notes & Combos
This deck is pure love and passion. There is no "right", "wrong" or "perfect" way to build it - it is very likely to end up making small card adjustments quite often, just as I have. Most of Master 2 I played with this exact build. At 41 cards, I could have easily removed a floodgate to make it 40 (not that it is a striking difference). At the same time, many prefer to go way over that number out of fear of bricking, which is a valid argument and, again, nothing "wrong" about that. There are plenty of cards, like "The Melody of Awakening Dragon" (which I did use during M3, dropping it later), "Lava Golem", or even more floodgates to achieve that. It has to be noted that this build is heavily build with going first in mind. I did not summon some of the extra deck monsters at all. In fact, super poly saw very little use in my climb. Rabbit/azurune are quite big in this deck.
Some replays at
A mixture of bad hands, games justifying some floodgate, games for ash bait, some disciplined Exxod fires, and a mirror match that got me to M1.