
Master I from on February 13th, 2025
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 510
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Barebones, nothing special kash list, no point in running ogre / prep since the only decks in the format right now are tenpai and snake-eyes, there's probably a reality where you could cut bigbang since ariseheart pass is the only thing you're doing. If you don't draw fuwalos / maxx c / shifter going second and if they called by or crossout anything you probably just go next game. fiendsmith engine makes decks way too resilient so imperm/ash is never going to be enough solo. I might have cut ash too if maxx c didn't exist to make room for purulia. Probably could run imperm @ 1 or cut it altogether and play an additional lance copy or grab some breakers like eclipse or DRNM. We have 6 one card starters so the deck is EXTREMELY bricky, that's why we play 3 riseheart since riseheart + any combination of birth / theosis is full combo. People are pretty hesitant to use ash / maxx c / fuwalos while unicorn is on board since extra decks are hyper fragile currently. In an ideal reality fenrir goes back to 2 unicorn goes back to 3 so the deck can stop feeling so horrendous to play. Goliath is for highrolling extrav, flare is for burn situations.

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