Notes & Combos
The main goal of the deck is to get 6 mat before using the Orcust in grave to end on Apo, I:P and Galatea or Dingirsu:
With SE
- Ash -> Poplar -> Linkuri -> Ash for Flamberge -> OSS for Oak, revive 1
- 4 mat Apo + Flamberge revive 2 for Mermaid.
With Tomahawk:
- 2 Seven -> Tomahawk 5 tokens -> Mermaid
- Mermaid, Knightmare, 4 tokens
- 1 Seven, 2 monster -> Mermaid, Knightmare + Seven -> Tomahawk
- Mermaid, Tomahawk, 4 tokens
- 2 tokens -> S:P + Mermaid + Tomahawk or Knightmare -> Apo
- 2 tokens -> S:P 2
Using the Knightmare in grave:
- Knightmare -> Harp -> Girsu -> Wand -> Harp/Knightmare + Girsu
- Galatea + Crescendo or Galatea -> Dingirsu + Babel or S:P or Borrel Savage
After SE, Galatea is already on the field so it is either S:P or Borrel Savage. After Tomahawk, S:P is already on the field so it is either Crescendo or Dingirsu.
Crescendo or Dingirsu is often a dilemma, Crescendo is the only way to beat Droplet but otherwise Dingirsu is almost always better, as it gives better follow up, protects from other board break, protects Apo and I:P from battle, and Babel gives an additional negate to Apo or revives Ding for a non-target send after using S:P.
Both Azamina and Kashtira are extender and add additional interaction to the end board. Don't forget to use birth to revive unicorn before using the Orcusts.
- The Tomahawk line works under Droll, so self-Droll comes up from time to time.
- Hard loses to Maxx C, Fuwa, Purulia and D shifter.
- Retaliating "C" Aza before Apo is death. On OSS it's fine (Linkuriboh + any -> S:P -> 3 mat Apo, is still 2 SE in grave for flamberge).
- With a good hand it can handle non-floodgate handtraps very well, sometimes loosing access to Apo but setting up Cresendo + Borrel Savage.