Sky Striker

Master I from on February 14th, 2025
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 450
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Azamina Sky Striker is a Sky Striker deck that utilizes the Azamina theme, released in Master Duel in February, as a mercenary engine.

This deck was first tested offline and has even achieved tournament results. Compared to traditional Sky Striker builds, it significantly increases the monster ratio to strengthen its turn-one plays.

It follows a similar concept to the Adventurer Sky Striker deck, which I and other players have previously experimented with. The main goal is to accumulate three spell stacks on turn one to activate Engage for card advantage. Through this process, the deck generates interruptions, allowing for a more diverse range of disruptions rather than relying solely on Widow Anchor, as traditional Sky Striker builds do.

With the release of Camellia, accessing the Sky Striker engine has become much easier. This has allowed for an increase in the number of hand traps that were previously difficult to include. Additionally, the traditional starters (Raye, Roze, and Linkage) have been drastically reduced to mitigate the issue of drawing multiple starters, which weakened the deck’s consistency.

Despite these changes, the deck maintains the core strength of Sky Strikers—its backrow-focused control and mid-to-late-game endurance. By securing three spell stacks early, the deck replaces generic spell and trap cards, such as Upstart Goblin, with hand traps, improving its ability to handle going second more effectively.

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