Notes & Combos
Behold! snake eye ftk
Instead of snake eyes being basically an ftk, now it is!, after much testing and trying cards from greater inari fire to Lyrilusc Recital Starling I have finally arrived at this current version, with no main deck commitment and only 3 extra deck commitment. (if you squint) This is probably the optimal way to make this ftk deck, I don't see a way to improve it ftk wise. Main deck is the usual snake eye list, you can change stuff out if you want but bystials worked well this season.
The ftk is pretty simple, first make sure to always grab temple and set snake eyes-diabellstar if possible with poplar, then do the standard snake eye line (make sure to use flamberge's effect to place snake eyes-diabellstar or a different card if needed before sending it to grave) until you have lacrima and engraver on field along with 2 of the snake eye cards (ash, oak, or poplar). summon ptolemy and add the last snake eye card to hand (detatch engraver here), then make proxy magician with one of the snake eye cards and sequence. Summon blazing fenix to a zone proxy magician points to so you can summon the snake eye card from hand, make sure to trigger lacrima, summon snake eyes diabellstar, and summon engraver before you trigger blazing fenix the first time. revive fenix with promethean using fenis and proxy so you get the second trigger. for the third, summon amblowhale, make zelantis and resummon fenix and activate its effect for the final time, killing the opponent with 100 extra damage.
ID: 115-803-877