Notes & Combos
This has been one of my favorite decks to play in all of Master Duel. The deck is incredibly resiliant and all the engines work well with each other. There were countless games where I was able to play through several different types of interruptions.
There are several changes from my M5 build to this current one. In the main deck, I removed the bystials, one for one, the second tract and replaced them with a playset of droll, a 2nd nib, and three veilers. The bystials are helpful, but I prefer to run a handtrap heavy build. I had experimented with Retaliating C, but it seemed very matchup dependent so I cut it. One for One seems alright, but I didn't like how much I was already discarding with Deception and Diabellstar so I cut it. At first I was a bit hesitant to go over 40 cards, but I think it's fine with this deck to minimize the chance of drawing into some of the garnets.
In the extra deck, I cut Desirae for Doomed Dragon. Desirae is good, but I believe the board is already able to end on a sufficient amount of negates. Doomed Dragon is great for extending through disruption and pushing for lethal under Maxx C or a Mulcharmy.