Snake-Eye Fiendsmith

Master I from on February 16th, 2025
cp-ur 1380 + cp-sr 330
45 cards

Notes & Combos

Endboard : Diabellze, Ilia Silvia, Appolousa (2 mat), Flamberge + ip in s/t zone.

cost: 1 monster in hand for Deception tribute.

~ 1 card combo : Snake Eye Ash

  1. ns Ash
  2. add Poplar, add Chase
  3. set Diabellstar in s/t zone
  4. activate Ash send Diabellstar, ss Oak, Oak ss Ash
  5. make Closed Heaven from Poplar and Ash, set Poplar in s/t zone, go FS combo till ss Engraver
  6. equip Requim to Engraver
  7. activate Oak send Requim, ss Flamberge.
  8. make Sequence from Flamberge and Engraver, Flamberge gy effect ss Oak and Ash.
  9. Activate Sequence, ss Lacrima, add Add Engraver to hand, add Track, Track send Lurrie. (note: keep free the link zone)
  10. Make Linkuriboh and I:P from Ash, Oak, and Lurrie.
  11. SS Engraver from GY, Make Beatrice from Lacrima and him. Beatrice send Diabellze.
  12. Make Promethean from Linkuriboh and I:P, Promethean SS Flamberge
  13. Flamberge set I:P in s/t zone
  14. Make Hiita from Promethean and Sequence
  15. Make Selene from Hiita and Beatrice, (4 counter : track, chase, ip st zone, poplar in s/t zone, ss Diabellstar from gy
  16. Diabellstar set Deception, Deception tribute 1 monster from hand, add Hallowed.
  17. activate Hallowed, send Deception, ss Mu Rcielago, add Susurrus.
  18. Make Appolousa from Selene and Mu Rcielago
  19. add back Hallowed from gy to hand
  20. activate Hallowed, chain link Sussurus, Susurrus ss Diabellze from gy by returning Diabellstar to hand, Hallowed send Susurrus, ss Ilia Silvia.
  21. Endphase, set Deception back from gy.


  • I added Kash package from my M3-M1 climb (1 Fenrir, 2 Unicorn, 1 Birth) They help a lot.
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