Notes & Combos
Endboard : Diabellze, Ilia Silvia, Appolousa (2 mat), Flamberge + ip in s/t zone.
cost: 1 monster in hand for Deception tribute.
~ 1 card combo : Snake Eye Ash
- ns Ash
- add Poplar, add Chase
- set Diabellstar in s/t zone
- activate Ash send Diabellstar, ss Oak, Oak ss Ash
- make Closed Heaven from Poplar and Ash, set Poplar in s/t zone, go FS combo till ss Engraver
- equip Requim to Engraver
- activate Oak send Requim, ss Flamberge.
- make Sequence from Flamberge and Engraver, Flamberge gy effect ss Oak and Ash.
- Activate Sequence, ss Lacrima, add Add Engraver to hand, add Track, Track send Lurrie. (note: keep free the link zone)
- Make Linkuriboh and I:P from Ash, Oak, and Lurrie.
- SS Engraver from GY, Make Beatrice from Lacrima and him. Beatrice send Diabellze.
- Make Promethean from Linkuriboh and I:P, Promethean SS Flamberge
- Flamberge set I:P in s/t zone
- Make Hiita from Promethean and Sequence
- Make Selene from Hiita and Beatrice, (4 counter : track, chase, ip st zone, poplar in s/t zone, ss Diabellstar from gy
- Diabellstar set Deception, Deception tribute 1 monster from hand, add Hallowed.
- activate Hallowed, send Deception, ss Mu Rcielago, add Susurrus.
- Make Appolousa from Selene and Mu Rcielago
- add back Hallowed from gy to hand
- activate Hallowed, chain link Sussurus, Susurrus ss Diabellze from gy by returning Diabellstar to hand, Hallowed send Susurrus, ss Ilia Silvia.
- Endphase, set Deception back from gy.
- I added Kash package from my M3-M1 climb (1 Fenrir, 2 Unicorn, 1 Birth) They help a lot.