Tenpai Dragon

Master I from on February 24th, 2025
cp-ur 1110 + cp-sr 390
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Bro, this was the easiest M1 climb ever.

Board breakers are just really busted in this format. Most of the time I had to face SE Fiendsmith, White Forest Azamina, Exodia, Centurion or Kashtira and all of these decks get clapped by my deck. Despite them having several omni negates and interruptions, it doesn't matter against Ultimate Slayer, the absolute MVP card of this deck. By itself it weakens their endboard a lot. And it isn't even once per turn!

Combined with the Sky Striker Engine and many draw spells you wil literally never brick. You will always have some form of board breakers, including S/T removal. This also means that you will pretty much always draw into your Tenpai Engine. Only one Tenpai card is enough to ensure you OTK.

Unlike SE Fiendsmith: Maxx"C", Mulcharmies and Nib do nothing against this deck which is a big benefit.

No handtraps since drawing into them basically makes them dead cards. Also it's very chill to not have to think about when to handtrap them. Just wait till they end their 10min turn and finish the duel in your turn.

Some downsides of this deck are, that you will have to watch your opponent combo forever. So I'd recommend doing something else during that time, e.x. Anime. After they are done, you need to analyze their endboard. For me it feels like doing a chess puzzle. It often isn't easy to break their board, but there is almost always a way to do so. You gotta be very patient.

You obviously always want to go second. Going first sucks, but if you are lucky you can survive with seals and widow anchor.

Labyrinth setting up EEV and Droll are basically insta loses. However that only happened maybe 1 out of 15 games so it's very negligable. Just use your draw spells first, than your board breakers and at last your Tenpai cards.

Don't forget to activate Lightning Storm before Chicken Game!

Oh and this deck may be a little bit expensive for some people.

I can only recommend to try it out.

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