Notes & Combos
(ughhhhhhh this meta is awful. Why in the world is Snake eyes still the best deck over a year later? Anyway...)
Hello y'all. Zero here. This meta is something else....
I don't think we've seen boards like this since Adam and Adventure tenyi, but unlike those decks, these new bad boys have recursion and real backrow.
I had a couple objectives with Trix this season: Make sure the deck can function both going first and going second, and try to climb without relying on floodgate traps or dimensional fissure.
Here are some points from my journey:
I tried KAsh engine for a while. It was okay, but it conflicts with retaliating C and super poly.
Super poly is phenomenal. Mudragon was awesome, but Saint Azamina came up a few times.
Retaliating C is amazing (if the opp can trigger it). Not every deck makes retal live, but many of the meta decks do. Unlike other decks, Trix has real synergy with retal. It's a level 4, it can search two of our trix monsters, and we can revive it for extra searches (it isn't once per turn).
Reduce holeutea to 2x and pudica to 1x. This is something I learned from playing Verntrix, but going second I really don't want to see multiple starters. Pudica is best when she's used as disruption. I did not miss her at 2x. Holeutea is an excellent card, but she doesn't exactly help you going second. If you know what you're doing with traptrix, you can even get away with 1x (this is what verntrix does).
Goat and strike were added to give me more tools that are good going first or second. I used both many times to victory. And goat is a good discard off spoly. I used this to beat baronne once.
Idk about the bystials. They were alright. They helped me win one duel, but we're not super great with them.
I tried fuwalos for a bit, but they really sucked to see going first.
I used every single card in my ED. Each one helped me win a game. But the weakest link was Atypus. I thought about dweller, but I feel like if I'm in dweller position, I'm probably going to win.
As always, this is not solved or the best way to play the deck. I encourage you all to experiment and find the best strategies that work for you.
Final record for the last 15 duels: 11-4. Flips for last 5 duels. Heads 1 (rank up) Tails 4.
Thank you for reading, and thank you to the Trix channel for all your support. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me here or in the Trix channel.
- Rank up to M1 (going first against Naturia runick WF azamina pile. I "bricked" on retal and shifter, no starters.)
- Going second into branded. (Retal helped a lot)
- Going second into Voiceless (I can't believe I won this)
- Going second into Mannadium (spoly put in work)
- Going first into runick spright (what a slog)
- Going first against FS SE azamina (I was using the kash engine)