Notes & Combos
After testing different variants of the deck (mainly handtrap heavy and boardbreaker heavy) I finally landed on the version that feels the best, and that's still with the toy engine (don't have fiendsmith cause I'm locked in on getting the sky strikers alt arts)
Toys still give the deck so many resources and consistency, before azamina I was already running 3 diabellstar because she was full combo with toy box, now it's even better of course but not just for the azamina cards, but now she is also very likely to get hit by a handtrap so your white forest plays are much safer.
Toys also help you play around handtraps like droll and fuwalos, very hand dependant naturally but you can still put very good interactions around those two cards. The extra bodies also help going second but I'm gonna keep it real, going first is so insanely strong right now that it's either open fuwalos or maxx c, sometimes ash and imperm will be enough against handtrap heavy hands, which again toys help greatly in playing through those.
Unlike most lists, I'm still on 3 astellar because I absolutely hate bricking, passing on nothing on your first turn is a dead sentence so the added consistency is very much worth it, and again, with toys if she gets hit with ash, imperm or veiler it does basically nothing, besides, she is the best tribute for deception (very important part of the combo) or discard for diabellstar so opening with her and silvy is not a bad thing.
Overall toys still feel amazing, they help set up a good turn one more consistently (though you'll still brick) which is imo the most important thing right now (the boardbreaker variant I tried was too bricky and so was the handtrap one but aside from fuwalos and maxx c not many other handtraps felt that impactful, heck some decks even droll themselves).
ID: 851-987-618
3 replays to show different combos with and without tox boy, one for each of the main starters (astellar, elzette and silvy). your endboards will vary depending on your hand and handtraps of your opponent but best case scenario you can end on Silvia, Baron, Borreland, 2 mat appo and SS of the white forest for guardian chimera + aphen if you can search it.