Notes & Combos
Probably the most boring season to play kash, labryinth and snake eyes are 2 very annoying match ups
A lot is flexible in there, it's up to u really
Realistically playing Small World instead of pathfinder is probably better, however I do like the pathfinder gambling minigame and I dislike playing small world in general, feels bad to draw, you can prob replace it for small world and add a bridge or gamma pack
Subversion is 4fun, satisfying to resolve but there's better stuff to play
TTT feels nice, not mandatory.
Other good cards include Small World, Gamma Package, Pot of Desires, forbidden lance
rest is mandatory
It's a handtrap that can protect you from effects that target a monster you control, mainly Arise Heart. The current gameplan of kashtira decks is to protect Arise Heart at all cost, you could theoretically run more or add Forbidden Lance as well, searchable with small world. It's also useful in different situations, like an opponent using imperm too early or veiler on your riseheart/unicorn.
In Kashtira decks, the extra deck is quite flexible. Realistically, all you need is 3 arise, 1 baronne and I'd say that dark armed is also a bit too broken as well.
The rest is up to you really.
N'tss, Malong, maybe garura (prob not) : You do not summon these, they're basically just arise-heart food, ban them with pots and attach them to arise heart when possible, if he gets outed they go to the GY and you can activate their effects.
Goliath : Protects arise-heart from destroy effects when added to him as material.
Dracossack : Its main purpose is to out backrow stuff like Skill drain by tributing itself.
Moth : Allows you to go zeus by attacking the opponent directly. In mirrors, going second, you can summon it without using any monster effects (usually any lvl 7 + theosis or birth if you have a second lvl 7 in hand), attack directly, zeus. This only works if their ariseheart doesn't have 3 mats.
Smasher : Don't use its atk gain effect, go battle phase, destroy a monster, zeus with 4 mats.
Donner : Removes nib token, outs bagooska, outs tri-heart, clears your board.
Flare Metal Dragon could potentially be added there. There's also the saryuja package if you're interested, but I think it's cope. Utopic Future + Utopic Draco Future seem interesting as well, but I would need to try them out more.