
Master I from on March 10th, 2025
cp-ur 990 + cp-sr 330
45 cards

Notes & Combos

Goated Deck. Can't wait to test it when it's at full power with Primite.

Put in skill drain and 3 solemn judgement in m2 because I was facing a lot of Tenpai there.

Fuwa didn't feel nearly as good as droll. Kept switching Nib in and out, but decided to cut it, since it just didn't come up a lot in the matchups that I faced.

Talents is honestly soooo good, play at least 1. Looking at your opponents cards in hand and shuffle 1 back is pretty busted, especially in this handtrap heavy format. When they only have 1 starter in hand and you shuffle it back into the deck it's pretty much gg most of the time.

Finally, don't make the same mistake like me when your only play turn 1 is normal summon sea horse and you dump BEWD with sea horse effect when you link it away to blue eyes link1. Dump maiden instead and dump BEWD with the effect of Mausoleum to get your plays going.

Quick Reminder: Tyrant can attack every monster once AND reset solemn/imperm/blue eyes trap/whatever trap is in your grave after dmg step. A lot of the opponents scoop after you resolve that effect, dont underestimate it's usefulness. Came up pretty often for me.

Another quick Reminder: Sometimes you might think you don't have a play because you didnt draw any starter, as "replacement" for that you can make blue-eyes link1 with veiler/droll and potentially start some plays from there.

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