Sky Striker

Master I from on March 11th, 2025
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 270
40 cards

Notes & Combos

The revenge of the board breakers!

Been running go-first Sky Striker builds the past few seasons but returned to blind second board breakers this time around!

Originally used a hand trap build with stuff like Droll/Maxx C to get into a grind game with the SE/Azamina/FS deck...but then they started adding Kashtira to their boards and Birth is SUCH a nuisance!

Long story short, I got mad and decided I wanted to just break their boards instead of grind with them. It's not the most innovative list this season but it functions very well!

Card Details:

  • 3x Raye/1x Roze/ROTA/2x Linkage: A low amount of starters but between Desires/Talent/Engage/Upstart, you are drawing into a starter or searching one
  • Heavy Storm/Duster/2x Lightning Storm: Backrow removal is honestly more crucial than removing monsters. Pray you draw into one of these.
  • Desires: Every season I start with Avarice...and end up cutting it for Desires. Sadly the immediate power is just better than sick recursion
  • 2x Thrust/2x Talents: All incredible cards but to consistently break the strongest end boards you need to ideally NOT draw multiple hard once per turns
  • 2x Called By: Always, always, always save this until you're sure they don't have Droll
  • 3x Upstart: Yes Droll is very common right now but Engage is so strong I just want to filter the deck down as much as reasonable
  • 2x Soul Release: Great card this season! Even if you break the Snake Eye/White Forest endboards, their GY followup alone can often kill you (there are enough matchups where this card is dead that I don't want to run it at 3)
  • 3x Ultimate Slayer: MVP. Greatly trivializes clearing endboards with Omni Negates (Hi Blue Eyes). Aggregator isn't really needed with the current popular endboards. Buchephalos isn't REALLY needed if you want the Extra Deck space but I like the Draw 1 it gives when combined with Garura. Honestly I considered running more Synchros for Blue Eyes (NOT a once per turn card~)
  • 1x Dimensional Barrier: Turn 1 set vs Tenpai off thrust. Also not a terrible draw if you can clear the board vs other decks
  • 2x Droplets: Wonderful card right now vs Desirae endboards and when combined with other breakers. Unfortunately opening multiple can be very bad, so I opt not to run it at 3

Other cards

I love Area Zero/Eagle booster but I just needed more immediate power rather than tech cards. Same reasoning for Hornet Drones. Also that card dies to Maxx C ^^;

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Replays from last Season's Master 1 list:

Will upload this season's matches within the week!