Notes & Combos
Basic Combo Pegasus:
Pegasus → King Dempsey → Isolde → Cross Sheep → Golden Rule → Doomed Dragon + Cross Sheep + 2 Pegasus
Basic Combo Sangenjin:
Sangenjin → Golem → Wedju Temple → FS Engine (Sangenjin + Millenium Shield) → Beatrice → Salvation → Kaiju Field Spell + Pegasus → Basic Combo Pegasus
Basic Combo Golem:
Golem → Wedju Temple → Sangenjin → Millennium Shield → FS Engine (Sangenjin + Millenium Shield) → Beatrice → Salvation → Kaiju Field Spell + Pegasus → Basic Combo Pegasus
Full Combo Gameciel (From Pegasus):
Basic Combo Pegasus → Gallant Granite → Millenium Golem → Fiendsmith → Beatrice → Salvation → Kaiju Field Spell → Saryuja → Gameciel + IP Masq + Apollo
Salvation in Hand:
Basic Combo Pegasus → Dugaress (draw 2 discard 1) → Saryuja → Gameciel
Rainbow Dragon in Hand:
Find a way to get 1 level 4 on the field (Emblema Oath/Rainbow Bridge Heart) + Normal Summon Pegasus → Basic Combo Pegasus
- Priority Engine List:
- Fiendsmith Sanct
- Centurion (Emblema Oath)
- Millennium
- Pegasus (Crystal Beast Engine)
- Golden Rule in hand: Skip King Dempsey Engine
- Any Millennium in hand: Skip Gallant Granite
- If Kaiju field spell not activated: Emblema Oath → Centurion Field Spell, else Emblema Oath → Centurion Omni Trap
- Kaiju in hand + Rainbow Bridge of Heart (return Kaiju back to our hand), tribute 2 enemy monsters.
- Doomed Dragoon on turn 1, prioritize putting pegasus back in backrow to summon back with Carbuncle.
- Wedju Temple putting any brick CB in backrow is optimal.
- Isolde can be linked with:
- King Dempsey + Renaud
- Renaud + Millennium Shield
- Little Knight + Renaud
- Little Knight + Millennium Shield