Notes & Combos
So quick summary.
Almost same list as the last season bcs I did most of the climb before the update, and used this for D1 after it. Swapped the third Maxx C (Thanks Konami, now kill the other 2) and the 2 Ghost Ogre for the Bystials and a third Veiler. I only played like 5 games with this final version, its still solid but don't take it as proof solid fo what to play after the pack.
I admit it, Haggard does absolutly nothing 95% of the time, change it for something else.
I have been experimenting with Scareclaw Fiendsmith and is a weird case, a solid amount of experimentation is needed specially with the limited ED space.
I got some solid games with this version, I will try to upload them to the channel when I can.
YouTube channel:
Master Duel ID: 310-692-574