
Master V from on February 23rd, 2025
cp-ur 1020 + cp-sr 150
40 cards

Notes & Combos

For today’s war crimes, there are three consistent opening hands that end on Scareclaw Tri-Heart, Knightmare Gryphon, and Anti-Spell:

1. Any Scareclaw + Engraver:

Perform the Scareclaw 1-card combo into Tri-Heart. Discard Engraver to Special Summon Lurrie, then use Requiem to Special Summon another Engraver. Shuffle Lurrie back, then Link Summon Sequence. Sequence summons Lacrima, which revives Engraver for an Xyz into Beatrice to dump Anti-Spell. Use Beatrice + Sequence to link summon to Virus Swordsman → Virus Berserker, Virus Berserker effect reviving both materials to link into Knightmare Gryphon, which discards 1 to set Anti-Spell.

2. Any Scareclaw + Imsety/King's Sarcophagus:

Perform the Scareclaw 1-card combo, then use Imsety/King’s Sarcophagus for two extra bodies, leading to two possible paths:

a. Xyz Zombie Vampire and mill. If you hit Anti-Spell, go straight into Codebreaker → Knightmare Gryphon. If you hit Engraver/Lurrie, Special Summon it, go into Fiendsmith, when you're about to Link Summon Sequence use Engraver and Zombie Vampire. Sequence summon Lacrima to summon Engraver back for Xyz Beatrice to dump Anti-Spell, then go into Codebreaker plays using Beatrice + Sequence that ending on Knightmare Gryphon to set Anti-Spell.

b. Use Horus bodies for Codebreaker. Stop after Virus Berserker effect resolves, then link into Closed Heaven(Virus Swordsman + Zero day) → Requiem → Sequence(Engraver + Virus Berserker) → Lacrima. Lacrima revives Engraver for Beatrice, which dumps Anti-Spell. Finally, Beatrice + Sequence → Knightmare Unicorn + revived Engraver → Knightmare Gryphon to set Anti-Spell.

3. 3 Different Scareclaw Names:

Follows the second combo (point b) but replaces Horus bodies with extra Scareclaw bodies for Codebreaker.

Boat goes binted :D

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Didn't understand what i'm yapping about?

Great, me too :D

For replay check on ID: 620-590-818.