Snake-Eye Fiendsmith

Master V from on February 25th, 2025
cp-ur 1380 + cp-sr 240
43 cards

Notes & Combos

I adpoted this list from the Snake-Eyes x Fiendsmith thread on the Master Duel Meta discord (courtesy of Abohmod). The deck is tricky to learn at first if you're new to Snake-Eyes (like I was) but once you learn the combo lines it's very fun to play. I had an easy climb to Master V once I stared playing it around Diamond III.

About half of this deck is your engine and the other half is handtraps/board-breakers/meta-relavant tech cards. I adjusted the number of Retaliating "C" as I climbed the ladder because it became a more than 5 games in a row. Some lists play Desirae over High King Caesar, but I think Caesar is the better of the two. Other than that, I wouldn't alter the list too much as you play.

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