Notes & Combos
Did all of Diamond in a couple of hours, only dropped 2 games. This is the most broken deck I've ever played in my life lmao
You can drop zealantis and raging and run other ED options like Caesar and Hiita, I find the OTK convenience is nice tho and raging phoenix helps deal with big towers like chaos angel a bit more. I also don't really get why you'd run Caesar when you can make Dies of Cringeirae in those situations which is better IMO. Biggest threat to a snake eyes end board is breakers like TTT so I think adding another card that loses to TTT instead of an omni is silly.
Beatrice is OVERHYPED imo. Rogue decks using her to floodgate you with mayakashi trap if they had main deck lacrima was gonna be an issue but you very very rarely need beatrice to combo, and in instances where you can make her, it's usually better to just make Des I think. Might swap her for doomed dragon.
Dunno how long all these cards will be legal together so have fun with them while they last 8-D