Supreme King Melodious

Master V from on February 9th, 2025
cp-ur 1080 + cp-sr 270
42 cards

Notes & Combos

I played a bit with this deck from Diamond one to Diamond one after I've been losing continuously with my new branded deck that i just finished building. Some of the duels were mine but lost due to timeloss.

Diamond 5 i first played dragon link and i keot getting clapped. Then switched to branded and then went to pends after my 8 loss streak. the last two games before Master 5 i used branded.

Droll because we in a format with heavy combo meta decks. This deck can kinda play through droll but not so great. Best you can do us create a appo with two negates and hope that and yourself handtraps in hand is good enough.

Why i like playing Z-arc is if I'm under max c then i can use gate magician to search trap to summon Z-arc on opponents turn for interruption. The issue with Z-arc is he needs cards in the ED and that takes up space which can be used to put better cards. After summoning Z-arc snd you managed to survive turn two then you have alot of bodies on field through pend summoning but veeeeery little Options to go into, literally only accescode.

Playing without z-arc you have more options in the ED like borrelend dragon,suprme king starving venom, bagooska, etc. Now playing under max c is bad, best you can do is summon bagooska and pass which isn't that good.

well now that i think of it if they out bagooska with S:P you are garunteed a turn at least, unlike with Z-arc they can bait it and get rid of it with Zilantis. let me know your guy's thoughts on this, w0uld like to get your 9wn opinion om this.


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