Notes & Combos
Player ID: 740-329-304
I pretty much only play the World Legacy archetypes and some other link decks but this one happens to be my favorite out of all of them.
Card Choices
Silhouhatte Rabbit
- helps chain block World Legacy - World Chalice summon
- generic interaction to make if anything goes bad
- people don't understand Azarunes timing so they make weird summons from time to time
Adamancipator Risen Dragite vs. Baronne de Fleur
- easier to make
- can quickly get it on field
- prioritized so I can have a negate for Deception of SS, Hallowed Azamina, FS Tract, etc
Ghost Ogre
- helps make Justiciar just in case I open a level 2 + e-tele
- didn't need an extra Chosen by the World Chalice
- to use against Hallowed Azamina
Retaliating C
- can search Maxx C
- helps against current meta