Notes & Combos
Not sure if I bother pushing for M1 with Kash, so I'm just gonna post this now:
Went 20-3 (87% WR)
with this list from d4 to m5, simply wanted to test if kash is still viable, and it blew my expectations out of the water. Fissure is better than ever since it disables half of all hand traps tenpai likes to run. Always put your stuff in defense to play lightning storm.
If your Hand is bad, so something like ogre + rise DONT make shang instead go:
tomahawk in main zone -> 2 tokens for i:p -> one token link spider -> those 3 and last token to make saryuja and hope you draw into combo
I got more details on Kash and my card choices on my old deck list, you can find that one by clicking on my profile
Not many interesting Matches this season so far, but you can find one going second vs VV utilizing saryuja on my profile, that's about it: