Notes & Combos
This deck is using the P.U.N.K. and Ishizu engines, Zombies, and as many generic graveyard and mill effects as possible. As you can see the deck isn't a 40 card deck but it does have about 10 starters and many extenders that all work off one another. If you opponent doesn't negate your first few mills it could be over for them. The real problem with this deck is how difficult it is, it takes a lot of practice to get good and there are loads of dead end combos that you wouldn't know about unless you've tried them. I often find myself regretting a certain move only a few seconds after doing it because there was another, less apartent play that was better. Either way the real fun in this deck is how strong the end board is. On average this deck can end on a 2400 attack Bow of the Goddess, Psychic End Punisher, Braonne De Fleur, Knightmare Unicorn, and DoomKing Balerdroch. With all the backrow heavy decks around the three lightning storms are a must. However you could make changes in the extra deck, Beatrice and Curioius and even Minvera are all optional I just got addicted to milling and wanted to mill as much as possible. Did I mention this deck can mill itself entirely? It's rare but usually you are milling about 40 cards or so. Overall loads of fun and my first deck to get me all the way to Masters!