
Master V from on March 12th, 2025
cp-ur 1080 + cp-sr 420
43 cards

Notes & Combos

My humble request is the deck goes under MEKK instead of fiendsmith, because of how the deck interacts in play

  • Droll MVP
  • DRNM because yubel board is unbreakable. everything else is not that necessary.
  • Who would've thought exodia with a full board wipe backed by floodgates would actually be problematic?
  • Lab is still unsufferable but a lot more bearable
  • Actually competes in a ton of matchups that were otherwise hard losses. The ability to pivot between the engines helps break away boards better than playing actual board breakers ever could.
  • Yellow instead of red because breaking backrow is infinitely more important than monsters. By the time you're able to use red he's useless.
  • No Beatrice or Caesar. I could never find a reliable way to get in and out of beatrice - the only card in this deck you need her for is World Armor, but there is so much going on that if you were able to even get into Beatrice to begin with, you're better off without it. Same with Caesar. Just use the monsters to link up into accesscode with a full board. HOWEVER if you are feeling sacky just add beatrice + Mayakashi trap and rollback and go 1st :)
  • Most fun i've played MD in like half a year. First time in a long time I actually had an itch to play MD now knowing most of my games are interactive and not sack ****. Please kmoney keep hitting floodgates you're actually making the game fun again!
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I post a TON of videos in the Mekk channel of the discord. If you go to the discord, you will see a WIDE variety of pure mekk, punk mekk, bystial mekk, really just anything. I have some of the new list as well as screenshots of some endboards.