Pendulum Magician

Master V from on March 11th, 2025
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 300
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Pretty much the same as last month's list. The changes are Ignister Prominence and Abyss Dweller in for Supreme King Dragon Clear Wing and Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon. Neither level 8 synchro came up much.

I also switched Odd-Eyes Revolution Dragon for 1 Duelist Alliance in D1 but it didn't come up.

A lot of games came down to how well I could combo under Droll, whether it was my opponent's or my own when I got Maxx C/Fuwalos'd. It's often possible to end on 1 omni-negate, Apollousa, I:P and sometimes Dweller under Droll.

I didn't see as much Retaliating C as expected but I sometimes do 2 things to play around it if possible:

  • Hold Wings of Light for later in the turn if my hand is good. I might not even play it that turn.
  • Pop either Supreme King Gate Magician or Wisdom-Eye Magician before activating Wings. That way I can still pend summon something from the Extra Deck if my opponent really chains Retaliating C to Wings of Light.

I've also gotten kind of bored of 40c lists so I might try out 60c or adding in Fiendsmith.

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ID: 002-019-149

Only 1 new replay from this season. Winning a game with Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom copying Odd-Eyes Revolution Dragon's monster effect in the GY.

It's better to attack with Venom first instead of what I did because Venom's (copying Revolution) ATK changes with the opponent's current LP. The opponent needs to be at 5600LP or less for Venom to deal lethal damage by itself.