Notes & Combos
- Ideal Turn 1 Board should be Guardian + Lo + Pendulumgraph + Trap and Barrier.
- As far as hand traps go everything is flexible other than at least 2 Nib to have good chance of having at least 1 material for a ritual summon.
- Deck can play through as many disruptions as it has extenders so bait out as much as possible before commiting to normal summon.
- D Barrier and Pendulumgraph -> Meteorburst are your Tenpai Answers.
- Old man Sauravis feels too much like a win more card, and most game where it would have came up I just played a slightly worse line.
- You will run out of steam if they pop your Blessing, but most of decks will also run out. Just be aware that you have no s/t recursion once its gone.
- I think >40 cards is better than 40 because you have so many cards you would rather search than draw, and you can play more diverse ht line up to draw with Maxx "C".
- Once the Fire decks die out, honestly Bystials are probably worth the inclusion since Lubellion can be a material for Rituals.
- Save for Pendulumgraph for TTTalent if possible, use your disruptions defensively. The main wincon of the deck is generating value through the Trap and Guardian and swinging for Lethal on Turn 3 or 5.
- Under Maxx "C" try to summon Guardian with either the Trap to summon a Lo or just normal summoning it. You can use the Trap to summon Lo and set up Barrier to summon a ritual after they summon anything.
- Under Shifter, you can ritual summon Guardian to search and normal summon Lo, but otherwise just pass and use your handtraps where you can.
- Only use Dyna Mondo Turn 1 if you need to get to the trap in order to play around called by and bystials.
- Just cut Prosp after its banned.