Voiceless Voice

Top 16 in Aug 2024 Meta Weekly from on August 18th, 2024
cp-ur 1170 + cp-sr 390
40 cards

Notes & Combos

After months of waiting, it's finally here... Voiceless Voice. A deck that I have been playing in the TCG since it's release and therefore wanted to do a full rank up with it from Diamond 5 to Master 1 this Season.

The build is relatively standard for the "Pure" variant. Within my ranked climb, however, I had Troplet instead of Superpoly in my deck, but swapped it out again in Master because I wanted a better option against VV Mirror.

Odd-Eyes is also very underrated and in my opinion an important part of the VV endboard or the further ritual possibilities in the opponent's turn with Blessing. And I don't really have to say it... Original Sauravis clearly wins against Phantom of Yubel, which also makes it an important part of the endboard or interactions in the opponent's turn in the current meta.

I also didn't touch the extra deck that often. However, Dyna Mondo into Unicorn has allowed me to win several times against Yubel, which is pretty much one of the worst matchups for VV.

U can find replays below on my Player ID.

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Player ID: 637-614-998

I selected one replay per Ranked so u guys can see a different amount of Matches turn 1st and 2nd.