
Theme Chronicle from on January 18th, 2025
cp-ur 600 + cp-sr 450
60 cards

Notes & Combos

slayton introduced me to this varient of ninja but i modified it for the event since phantom knight is illegal, just dont brick turn 1 lol

alternatively for horn of unicorn, just play card like snatch steal, D.D.R or autonomous action unit, i just didnt bother to take it out since this deck just auto win if they didnt nib you turn 1

plus if you open turn 1 both terrortop and neo space connector, just make gossip shadow and normal summon space connector

one tech that is optional but very good is if you open harp horror in hand, you can basically turn 1 loop hanzo 3 times with isolde, cross sheep and lib, just dont lock yourself into dark and you should be okay

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