Bystial Runick

Win Streaks from on December 12th, 2023
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 480
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Having a lot of fun with this deck. It performed really good. I wanted to give a chance to duality and it works way better than I thought. Duality allows you to dodge targeting effects like imperm on hugin or lubellion, it can recycle your resources like Hugin , Geri etc. while drawing 1 more card and in the worst case it's a good discard fodder for hugin effect. Targets for Duality are Allvein lv2 tuner (tributing Hugin), Borreload Furious Dragon (tributing Lubellion) and Fabled Unicore (tributing Geri). I cut the Granguignol package compared to last version, mostly because Cartesia at 1 is ok and I free a lot of extra-deck space, also I added Unicore which come up a lot and if you chain his summon properly you usually should win on the spot, also runick spells and bystials allows you to keep the same amount of cards in both hands. I've also added Azalea which is good for many different reasons: to free the extramonster zone to activate other runick spells, to fill your GY when you can't synchro, to pop annoying stuff. Your best normal summon is Quem . Summon her before your runick spell to summon hugin or geri cause Quem triggers when they are summoned . Basic combo is Quem+any runick spell:ns Quem send Cartesia (or Bystial Aluber if you have Cartesia in hand),summon hugin and discard to search Fountain,Summon Cartesia from GY with Quem eff and then you have a lot of different lines depending the rest of your hand. My goals are to end on Runick fountain+ some branded backrows+ Dis Pater (field or GY)+baronne or seal and runick spells and bystials in hand and sometimes try to resolve Chaos Ruler. Budget alternatives are Stardust Charge Warrior instead Tri-edge Master(pretty much the same card except for the LIGHT attribute that makes Master a little bit better) ,Dark Magician the Dragon Knight instead Borreload Furious to defend your backrows further. You can also replace Duality if you don't have it with more copies of Cartesia or TTTs and replace the 3 Duality targets with Granguignol package(£ cartesia in main, Luluwalilith, Garura and Malong) or Albion/Mirrorjade/Lubellion(/Verte) adding 1 Albaz (and 1 Branded Fusion if you add Verte) in Main Deck. Check my replays and feel free to ask me any questions. Sorry for my English :)

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