Notes & Combos
Been on 8 winstreak with this deck (D3-D2), it's both fun and competitive at the same time.
- The invoked engine works great and, you don't need to draw onto Aleister as you can get it back with Invocation.
- Always go for Curious if going 1st, you can mill Fairy Tail or whatever helps you.
- If going 2nd, I would suggest going for Unaffected Chaos Angel, of course depends on the match, but it's sometimes unexpected.
- I:P works pretty good with this deck's board, you can go for either Apollousa or Goddess after using the negates or when they about to be destroyed.
- Best way to go for curious is Zombie Vampire+ dark monster it milled(if any)+ Chaos Ruler.
- Ze-Amin is one card combo onto Chaos Ruler and Zombie Vampire.
- Invoked Caliga is situational depending on your hand, but it's pretty solid having 2800 def with Aleister.
```js ``` You can adjust the copies of each card depending on your preferences, there's no perfect formula for 60 cards deck. `I play no hand traps besides Gamma and Bysitals.`