Notes & Combos
Tried to build a HERO Fiendsmith deck with as little bricks as possible.
1-Card Combo: A HERO Lives
End Board: Apollousa + Caesar + Little Knight
- Activate A HERO Lives, special summon Stratos from deck.
- Stratos searches Vyon.
- Normal summon Vyon, then use its on-summon effect to send Shadow Mist to grave.
- Shadow mist on-grave effect searches Sinister Necrom.
- Vyon banish Shadow Mist from grave to search Polymerization.
- Use Poly, fuse Stratos on field and Necrom on hand into Sunrise. Sunrise on-summon searches Miracle Fusion.
- Use Sinisher Necrom grave eff to banish itself to special summon Adusted Gold.
- Link Adusted Gold into Requiem.
- Requiem tribute itself, special summon Engraver from deck.
- Link Sunrise and Engraver into Sequence.
- Use Sequence effect, to fuse into Lacrima by returning Requiem and Adusted Gold. Lacrima special summons Engraver from grave.
- Activate Miracle Fusion, banish Stratos and Sunrise to fusion summon Infernal Rage. Infernal Rage searches Winged Kuriboh LV6.
- Link Engraver, Sequence, and Infernal Rage into Apollousa.
- Use Engraver grave effect to special summon itself by returning Sequence to deck.
- Xyz summon Caesar using Lacrima and Engraver.
- Banish Infernal Rage from grave to special summon Winged Kuriboh LV6.
- Link Winged Kuriboh LV6 + Vyon into Little Knight.
1.5-Card Combo: Vyon + Dark Monster (non-fiend)
End-board: Apollousa + Caesar
- Normal summon Vyon, send Shadow Mist to grave. Shadow Mist searches Sinister Necrom.
- Vyon banish Shadow Mist to search Poly.
- Use Poly to fuse Necrom and Dark Monster in hand into Muddragon. Use its effect to change itself into light to prevent Fiendsmith cards from being targeted by Veiler or Imperm.
- Sinister Necrom banishes itself to special summon Adusted Gold from deck.
- Link Adusted Gold into Requiem. Requiem tribute itself to summon Engraver from deck.
- Link Engraver and Vyon into Sequence.
- Sequence effect to fuse into Lacrima by returning Adusted Gold and Requiem. Lacrima summons Engraver from grave.
- Link Sequence, Muddragon, and Engraver into Apollousa.
- Engraver summon itself from grave by returning Sequence to deck.
- Xyz summon Caesar.
See most recent replay.
Might upload more replays on YouTube, I will comment the link if I do.